Why are you doing this? You look great. You don’t need to lose anymore weight.
As a startup founder, especially one that sits on the computer all day working on WordPress and editing articles, I just don’t move around much. At the beginning of my journey four years ago when I was a lone founder who worked everything herself, it was really hard to get away, let alone include an exercise routine. I spent over well over 15 hours a day sitting. If I didn’t sit, I was stress cooking or eating with my family.
Stress + sitting + startup = 10 lbs.
Like over 26% of founders, I’ve gained at 5-10 lbs on this journey.
There is little I can do about the stress level. Hey, when the bills are stacked up against you, and you have to make cashflow and still grow the company, there is little a startup founder can do with this bootstrapped system other than stress about it. Stress. It comes with the startup game, or anytime you become your own boss.
I finally found some relief in my third year of business when I was able to hire employees to take work off my plate. That meant I had more time to exercise. But I was at my highest weight ever at 145 lbs. So I took out my trisuit and went swimming, cycling and running again. Back then, I felt that I could handle a loaf of bread a day no problem. At that weight and the rate I was burning, it was easy to consume a loaf a day.
That was why the 90 loafs in 90 days experiment was possible. I was even hoping that I would lose weight, but the training period and my high caloric consumption for the Triathlons just wasn’t conducive to losing weight. I did, however, maintain my weight throughout that period with bread and for the rest of the year.
But you look good, why lose weight?
I was really pushing the upper limits of my BMI. Which means that I have excess fat I’m carrying around. I don’t need it. Not on my back, not on my knees. Especially not when I’m running the 5K of my triathlon (maybe that’s why I’m so slow for that leg – no wait, I’m just bad at running). Anyway, I’m confident that if I get rid of that 10lbs, I can be faster in the overall race this year at the HAAG lake Triathlon.

Dave’s Killer Bread Epic Everything Bagels.
This week, I added Dave’s Killer Bread Epic Everything Bagel into my diet. Can you imagine a person eating a bagel a day and still losing weight? This is how I’m doing it:
Food | Portion | Calories |
Multi grain bread | 4 slices | 440 |
DKB Epic Everything Bagel | 1 | 260 |
Butter | 2 Tbsp | 200 |
Orange Juice With Calcium and Vitamin D | 8 oz | 110 |
Strawberry Jam | 2 Tbsp | 70 |
Green grapes | 1 Cup | 65 |
Apple slices | 1 Cup | 60 |
Friend Egg | 1 | 90 |
Steamed Broccoli | 1C | 55 |
Chocolate Eggs* | 6pc | 160 |
Total Calories | 1510 |
*chocolate eggs are not part of a healthy diet. However, I have a weakness for Cadbury’s chocolate eggs, and if you haven’t figured it out by now, I am addicted to them.

The first weigh-in: 147.4

Week 3 weigh-in: 144.4