Pearl bakery fermentation bread shelf

I Found a Pearl in Portland: Day 82, 83 and 84

Delicious, crusty and full of aroma. The bread I received from Pearl Bakery had a great texture and was bursting with flavor. This is probably due to their different leavening methods and preferments that extends their fermentation and provides each variety of bread its own unique flavor. Pearl Bakery’s breads are made only with unbleached wheat flour, water, sea salt, and sometimes yeast. They do not add preservatives or dough conditioners. I examined their fermentation methods and these were what I learned.

Pearl bakery fermentation bread shelf

Pearl bakery’s shelf is stuffed daily with a large variety of crusty artisan breads.


Pearl bakery uses a Poolish that is a liquid, yeast-based starter that is allowed to ferment for 16-24 hours before being mixed into dough. This starter imparts a nutty, rich aroma, crisp crust and soft, open crumb. Breads like their baguette, parisienne and ficelle use this polish.

pearl bakery fermentation levain

My delicious Wheat Levain loaf that has a sweet and smooth sour to the bite.


Some of their breads like the Wheat Levain, Walnut Levain and Pane Coli Santi are made with a special levain. Levain is a culture of flour and water in which wild yeast and flavor-producing bacteria naturally occur. This is a traditional french sourdough, with a mild, complex tang. No commercial yeast is added to these breads whose pre-ferments require daily feedings of flour and water to maintain the delicate balance between yeast and bacteria. Pearl Bakery’s Pain au Levain is characterized by a dense crumb, chewy crust, and slightly sour flavor great with cheeses and charcuterie.

pearl bakery pane coli fermentation

A crusty loaf of Pane Coli Santi.

Pugliese is their signature bread. It has enormously large holes with a delicious, chewy crust. A silky texture is created through the addition of extra virgin olive oil. Their Ciabatta is merely a smaller version of Pugliese. They also offer it in loaf that is jam-packed with kalamata olives.

Pearl bakery olive ciabatta fermentation

An olive ciabatta loaf.


Their popular Paesano is an Italian country bread leavened with a pate fermentee: a portion of yesterday’s dough that is held over to spur fermentation and enhance flavor. A mixed starter is made from a hunk of pate fermentee, water and flour. This is fermented for a number of hours before being mixed into dough. With its fine, tender crumb and thin crust, Paesano is great for sandwiches bruschetta, or alongside a bowl of pasta. This dough also makes up our famous, hand-knotted Kaiser Rolls.

peral bakery whole grain fermentation

I ate their multigrain loaf that is loaded with whole grains and seeds, and it is absolutely delicious.

The Pearl Bakery is a Portland staple. Nestled on the edge of the Pearl District near Powells City of Books, it supplies bread to well over 20 local restaurants and stores. What started as a small bakery in the late 90s has sure grown! The company is very environmentally conscious, from their packaging, to power source (pollution-free wind power) to their baking formula. Their artisan, hand crafted breads are made with organic, sustainable, local ingredients as much as possible. Probably part of the reason their products taste so good!

Here’s what I ate on Days 82, 83 and 84 of EB90:

Food  Portion Calories 
Day 82
Pearl St
Multigrain 4 slices (40g) 600
Sourdough 4 slices (40g) 500
Croissant 240
Brioche 1 bun (80g) 177
Chicken and Spanish Rice and Beans 1 C 300
Nutella 2 tbsp 200
Coconut water 2C 100
Pineapple 3 oz 41
 Total 2,158
Day 83
Pearl St
Multigrain 4 slices (40g) 600
Sourdough 4 slices (40g) 500
Ricotta 1/4 C 100
Cherries 1C 74
Nutella 2 tbsp 200
Oreo Thins 200
Hamburger and Corn on Cob 400
 Total 2,074
Day 84
Pearl St
Multigrain 5 slices (40g) 750
Sourdough 4 slices (40g) 500
Nutella 2 tbsp 200
Coconut water 2C 100
Southwest Chicken Salad 300
 Total 1,850


pizza slice

The Pizza Diet: Day 80 and 81

I’ve wondered if I went on a pizza diet, how many slices would I have to consume a day? Looking at a crust like the Boboli 12” thin crust, that would be one and a half pizzas! Yeaaaaah. I’m not really that crazy about pizza, even though I think I can totally down that much in a day.

So I did what any sane person can do. Eat an entire pizza  from Pieology.

It wasn’t an easy feat, after eating half a pound of bread earlier in the day. However, I did manage to make it healthier by adding spinach and pesto. I went light on the cheese too.


Why is pizza part of my bread diet?  I believe that the pizza crust is a flat bread. It’s made of four basic ingredients: flour, water, yeast and salt. However, it is much easier to eat sliced and loaf bread (for the convenience), than going for a pizza. Therefore, you will see pizza part of my diet, but not that frequently.

Pizza got its start in the Italian town of Naples, a port city with a large working class during the 1700s and early 1800s. Historians believe the need for an inexpensive, on-the-go food was why these flatbreads with toppings sold so well. Pizza (an Italian word for pie) soon spread through Italy. The first recorded pizza restaurant in the U.S. was in 1905 in Manhattan: G. Lombardi’s. It took quite some time, however, for it to move around the country and evolve into the dish we enjoy today.

So where can you find the best slice of pizza in the U.S.?

Well, according to a Travel+Leisure survey, try Phoenix, AZ! It was voted the best city for pizza. However, if you’re looking for something a little closer to home, find it on this list of the best pie by state, or here is a top 10 list of pizza joints around the country.

Here’s what I ate on days 70 and 81 of EB90:

Food Portion  Calories 
Day 80
Chocolate Brioche 1 250
Whole grain Artisan 3 Slices 400
Butter 2 Tbsp 200
Nicoise Salad 2 C 350
Pizza 6 oz 990
Pineapple 3 oz 41
Cherries 1C 74
Run -400
 Total 1905
Day 81
Spelt bread 600
Raisin bread 600
Ricotta 1/4 C 100
Red Beet Salad 250
Ham and Cheese 4 Slices 160
Coconut water 2 C 100


basket of bread diet important

Is it Important to Eat Bread in Your Diet? Day 78 and 79

I’ve heard that over and over again from people who are trying to lose weight. It is really misleading when someone says that the simple act of cutting bread out of your diet will magically make you lose weight. The immediate follow-up statement usually goes like this: “carbs are bad for you.”

Carbs are not bad for you. Based on a 2,000 caloric intake, a daily intake of 300g worth of carbohydrates is recommended. Everyone should at least eat 120 – 130g each day to meet the minimum required for your brain to function. In bread talk, that’s about 3 slices of bread a day.

It’s true, if you cut something out from your diet, you will lose weight because your daily habits surrounding that food changes and your consumption becomes more limited. This can be applied universally to all types of food, not just bread.

Why keep bread part of your diet?

Bread should be part of everyone’s diet because it is a conveniently nutritious product. If you followed my journey, you would have noticed that I consumed bread that is healthy and easily obtained off the supermarket shelve. You do not need to make these breads yourselves, nor do you have to specially order it.

Why are you eating a loaf? What are you trying to prove?

If this journey said, “I’m eating 3 slices of bread a day, and bread is not killing me” would you believe me? But I ate a pound of bread a day, 12-14 slices, and still, it hasn’t done anything bad to me or my weight. Now do you believe me that bread is not bad for you?

How do you eat so much bread in one day?

I’ve pretty much spaced out my bread eating all throughout the day. Anyone in our office will tell you that I’m stuffing my face with bread all the time. My children will tell you that all I eat is bread at the dinner table. If the clock is ticking, and I’m not in bed, I’m eating bread.

Don’t you get sick of eating so much bread?

Never been and never will. My critics, or the Bread Police (they seem to be hanging around in the office) keep asking me that question in hopes of seeing a white flag. I think the answer is pretty simple. I’ll never get sick of something I love eating. I’ve been loving this journey, and will continue to love eating bread, even after 90 days.

bread diet important

My days worth of delicious rolls with a beet salad.

Here’s what I ate on Days 78 and 79 of EB90:

Food Portion Calories
Day 78
Bagel 2 (100g) 420
Fritatta Croisant 80g 300
Purple Wheat Raisin 5 slices (39g) 400
Ravioli and Sausage 1 C 300
Canale 200
Steamed Brocolli 1C 30
Orange 1 orange 45
Total 1695
Day 79
Bun Rolls 1lb 1200
Beet Salad 2C 250
Croissant 240
Pork Watercress Noodles 1C 200
Marie Biscuits 5 100
Cherries 1C 74
Run -200
 Total 1864


scale- weigh-in-eat bread 90

Week Eleven Weigh-in

Day 70 weigh-in: 147.6 lbs

Day 70 weigh-in: 147.6 lbs


Day 77 weigh-in: 148.6

Day 77 weigh-in: 148.6 lbs

Well, ninety days are winding down. But the types of bread I’m learning about and great conversations are not! This week, I got to eat some wonderful gluten free bread, and discuss how celiac disease doesn’t mean the end of bread. There was also some amazing probiotic bread that has an innovative solution to give you a whole bunch of benefits. For a food like bread that’s been around for so many years, it’s amazing to see how how relevant and healthy it still is!


whole grain bread

Did You Know You Can Get Probiotic Bread? Days 75, 76 and 77   

You heard that right. I’m not kidding. I ate probiotic bread was bursting with benefits – True Grains® Seed’licious, Purple Wheat Raisin and Honey Wheat. How can bread have probiotic benefits if all the good bacteria are killed in the baking process? Well, the True Grains® line of product from Orlando Baking Co. uses a patented strain of probiotics that are resistant to high heat in the baking process. And no, it’s not GMO either.

probiotic bread


How do we know that the probiotics are working in the bread? Meredith answers this tough question here.

Probiotic Bread and More

True Grains® Purple Wheat Raisin, made with Purple Wheat that’s high in antioxidants and stops your glycemic index from spiking, was my favorite. If by now you haven’t figured out my weakness for fruity bread, you haven’t been following me very well. I really enjoy eating something so special and nutritious, and I’m very happy to see this particular innovation from Orlando Baking Co.

Beneficial bacteria are known as probiotics and found in foods such as yogurts, kim chee, sauerkraut, and kefir. The most common probiotic strains added to foods belong to several species of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.1

Probiotics are thought to prevent or treat a variety of health problems such as digestive disorders, colic in infants, periodontal disease, and even the common cold.1

probiotic bread

The popularity of baked goods makes them the perfect vehicle to deliver probiotics to consumers. However, there are some challenges. During the baking process changes in pH, activity in water, ethanol production, Maillard reaction products and high temperatures are a challenge to the survival of probiotics. Microencapsulation is the only way to overcome this and produce probiotic bread. It is a coating technology that protects sensitive compounds or living cells during the entire food processing operation, including storage.

One study looked at application of encapsulated L. acidophilus on the surface of par baked bread loaves.  It was found that the shorter baking time and temperatures used for par baked bread allowed greater survival of  L. acidophilus while maintaining the desirable sensory characteristics of the baked bread.


Bread has the potential to provide both prebiotic and probiotic benefits. Once again proving that bread is the ultimate functional food!


  1. Hibberd, P. L., Phd, Linda Duffy, Phd, and David Shurtlef, Phd. “Probiotics: In Depth.” National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 16 Jan. 2017. Accessed 19 June 2017.

Here’s what I ate on Days 75, 76 and 77 of EB90:

Food  Portion   Calories
Day 75 
Seed’licious Probiotic Bread 4 slices (39g) 280
Purple Wheat Raisin Probiotic Bread 2 slices (39g) 160
Honey Wheat Probiotic Bread 2 slices (39g) 160
Buckwheat w/ Cherry 50g 100
Rye Sourdough 50g 100
Pumpkin Seed Currant 50g 100
Butter 2 Tbsp 200
Smoked Ham 4 Slices 60
Swiss Cheese 1 Slice 106
Lemon Curd 2 Tbsp 120
Ricotta Cheese 1/4 C 100
Tamale 1 pc 200
Cherries 1 C 74
Kale (cooked) 1 C 33
 Total 1793
Day 76
Seed’licious 4 slices (39g) 280
Purple Wheat Raisin 4 slices (39g) 320
Honey Wheat 4 slices (39g) 320
Hash browns, sausage and eggs 1C 400
Butter 2 Tbsp 200
Strawberries 1C 50
Pineapple 3 oz 41
Lemon Curd 2 Tbsp 120
POG Juice 2 C 200
Terriyaki 3 oz 250
Roasted Pork 1 oz 100
Rice 1/2C 50
 Total 2331
Day 77
Seed’licious 4 slices (39g) 280
Purple Wheat Raisin 4 slices (39g) 320
Honey Wheat 4 slices (39g) 320
Butter 2 Tbsp 200
Nutella 2 tbsp 200
Breakfast Burrito 1 200
Butternut Squash Soup 150
Edamame 50
Steak 200
Asparagus & Portabello 150
Corb on Cob 100
 Total 2170


gluten free - celiac disease

Gluten-Free Bread and Celiac Disease: Day 73 and 74

Canyon Bakehouse sent me a couple loaves of gluten-free bread today. It looks like bread, has the texture of bread and it ate like bread. In the gluten-free world, great tasting breads like these are hard to come by!

Why am I featuring gluten-free?

Because there are currently around 3 million people who have celiac disease in the U.S.

Some of them are reading my blogs and wondering what alternatives they have. How can they join me on my bread journey?

Here are a few gluten-free bread options:

Canyon Bakehouse - gluten free - celiac disease

Bread by Canyon Bakehouse.

Maya delivered fresh baked gluten-free bread and cakes to me from Brazil. BRAZIL? Yes, you heard right. She read that I was on this amazing journey and wanted me to try her bread. Her tapioca based gluten-free bread tasted great as toast, and lacked the after taste of most gluten-free bread. Perhaps it’s the tapioca that makes her bread special. Thank-you Maya!

Bread and brownies from House of Maya

Bread and brownies from House of Maya.

Although some people are gluten-free by choice, some don’t have an option. Celiac disease affects one’s digestive process. When someone who has it eats gluten, their immune system is triggered to attack the small intestine, and stops the absorption of key nutrients.

Side effects include bloating, swelling, constipation, gas, chronic diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain and vomiting.

More serious issues such as osteoporosis or neurological conditions can come about if the disease is undiagnosed.

Celiac is an inherited disease, so if someone in your family has it, there’s a chance you may as well. It is also more frequent in people who have related symptoms. However, it often goes undiagnosed or there is a delay in pinpointing the problem.

Thankfully for those suffering from celiac disease, new labeling laws has made it easier to identify food that’s safe to eat and gluten-free products are becoming more abundant. The gluten-free market is a booming one, making life a little bit easier.

There is also a strong community of support, ready to offer advice and guidance.

What does the future hold for the treatment of celiac disease? Eating gluten-free is easier than ever before, and it looks like that trend will continue. However, new research is finding pills that would make the small intestine less permeable to gluten or that would break down gluten, and drugs to counteract the effects of gluten to the small intestine. But as we still search for ways to make life easier for those with celiac disease, gluten-free breads that taste good go a long way!

Rotella's Italian Bakery gluten-free bun celiac disease

Rotella’s Italian Bakery gluten-free bun.

Here’s what I ate on Days 73 and 74 of EB90:

Food Portion   Calories  
Day 73
DKB 21 G 5 Slices (45g) 600
DKB WBDR 6 Slices (40g) 660
Canyon Bakehouse 7 Grain 1 slice (34g) 90
Butter 2 Tbsp 200
Strawberries 1C 50
Apple 1 95
Cherries 1C 74
Apricot Sugar-Free Jam 2 Tbsp 40
Meatballs 4pc 290
Greek Cheese Spread 1 Tbsp 23
Cauliflower 1 C 188
 Total 2310
Day 74
DKB 21 G 4 Slices (45g) 480
DKB WBDR 3 Slices (40g) 330
Butter Croissant 60g 240
Peach Tart 1 pc 280
Canyon White 2 Slices (34g) 180
Canyon 7 grain 2 Slices (34g) 180
Mozerella cheese 3oz 240
Cherries 1 C 74
Lima Beans 1 C 110
Banana 1 pc 110
Calcium Supp
 Total 2224


white bread

Is Artisan Bread Healthier than White Bread? Day 71 and 72

Centuries ago, eating white bread meant you had status. White bread was served to the elite classes while the peasants continued to suffer with crusty whole grain loaves. How the times have changed! I know everyone loves to hate white bread these days. It seems to embody the distrust consumers have of industrially manufactured foods. But are artisan breads like sourdough healthier than white bread?

The use of bleached flour and the addition of dough conditioners, emulsifiers, and mold inhibitors are seen as unhealthy and blamed for our modern health issues. As consumer preferences have begun to shift to more wholesome ingredients, artisan bread began gaining in popularity.

Dave's killer bread-white bread done right-healthier than artisan bread

But what exactly is artisan bread and is it any healthier than industrially produced white bread?

Artisan bread is loosely defined as bread that is produced using traditional methods and ingredients.

Choice of flour type, length of fermentation, and how the bread is made are important characteristics for an artisan loaf. Dough is generally made in small batches with a more hands on approach. With the rise in popularity, the manufacturing of artisan loaves has been scaled up to embrace some modern conveniences. Due to the minimally processed and clean ingredient declaration consumers believe this to be a healthier bread.

A recent study tried to answer the question – Is artisan bread healthier than manufactured white bread?

20 healthy adults participated in a randomized crossover trial of two 1-week-long sessions. Participants consumed traditionally made sourdough-leavened whole-grain bread or industrially made white bread widely available for the study.  Test subjects ate standardized meals calculated to have 50 g of available carbohydrates.

During the white bread intervention period, subjects consumed 3 meals of 110 grams white bread, and 3 meals of 113g white bread + 30g butter. Sourdough meals consisted of 3 meals of 145 g sourdough bread, and 3 meals of 149 sourdough bread + 30 g butter.

The test showed no significant difference between consumption of traditionally made sourdough-leavened whole-grain bread or industrially made white bread on the participants. The study does point out that both types of bread had had very personal results on participants.

What are you telling me? Is there really no difference between sourdough bread and white bread nutritionally?

While one person might have a blood spike after eating white bread another may person experience the same thing eating artisan sourdough. Another measure that was dependent on individual participants was gut biome. The researchers found that the microbiota composition remained generally stable and person-specific throughout the trial.

So there you have it! There’s no nutritional difference between sourdough and white bread. This week’s white bread of choice? Dave’s Killer Bread White Bread Done Right. Mind you, their white bread has 10g of whole grains!

brats white bread

Bratwursts off the grill. Yum!

Here’s what I ate on Days 71 and 72 of EB90:

Food Portion Calories
Day 71
Bagel 1(100g) 210
DKB 21 G 4 Slices (45g) 480
DKB WBDR 5 Slices(40g) 550
Butter 2 Tbsp 200
Ricotta Cheese 1/4 C 100
Berry Cream Cheese 2 Tbsp 50
Sugar Free Strawberry Jam 2 Tbsp 40
Orange 1 orange 45
Stir Fried Vegetables 125g 36
Sweet sour chicken 275
Total 1986
Day 72
DKB 21 G 4 Slices (45g) 480
DKB WBDR 5 Slices(40g) 550
Butter 2 Tbsp 200
Lemon Curd 2 Tbsp 120
Cherries 1C 74
Roasted Zucchini 1 C 68
Calcium Supp
Bratwurst w hot dog bun 1 260
 Total 1752


scale- weigh-in-eat bread 90

Week Ten Weigh-in

Day 63 weigh-in

Day 63 weigh-in: 148 lbs.


Day 70 weigh-in: 147.6 lbs

Day 70 weigh-in: 147.6 lbs

This was an interesting and unique week in my Eat Bread 90 challenge. Due to two outpatient procedures, I was really off my game and on my back early on. However, I’m finally feeling back to my old self, and ready to finish strong as we get closer and closer to the finish line! And no, I’m not sick of bread yet. Bring it on!


puffed grains

I’m Puffed Up about This Bread! Days 69 and 70

It was nice to have my appetite back, so I started my day with a large stack of french toast with whole wheat bread. Do you know why this popular dish is called french toast?

It actually has nothing to do with location. This breakfast dish can trace its early forms all the way back to the Roman empire! During the 15th century in England and France, it was called “pain perdu” or “lost bread”—due to the fact the recipe called for stale bread. Many believe French toast got its name from a 17th century U.S. innkeeper, Joseph French.

french toast

A wholesome stack of French toast made with whole wheat bread, topped with fresh strawberries and maple syrup.


I also challenged myself to three quarters of a pizza from a store-bought, ready-made pizza crust.

Yes, I believe pizza is a bread, and it belongs to my bread diet (even though it took me almost 70 days to realize this).

I layered the pizza generously with vegetables and gave it a light topping of mozzarella and pepperoni. It was delicious, but my goodness, I wouldn’t recommend eating this much pizza in a sitting!

homemade pizza

My homemade pizza with onions, mushrooms, broccoli, mozzarella, pepperoni and my homemade pizza sauce.

On another note, here’s an interesting concept. Instead of soaking your grains and then baking them, how about skipping the soaking step and just use puffed grains instead? Ancient Brands Grain sent me three delicious loafs of bread filled with puffed wheat and the texture was great.

There was no ‘unsoaked’ hard kernels that stuck in-between my teeth, and the product visually looks like whole grain.

Ancient Brands Grain specializes in organic and conventional ancient grains, such as quinoa, amaranth or millet. After carefully sourcing grains, they use patented puffing equipment. The end result is a grain with consistent texture, a good flavor profile and high in nutrients.

One of the breads I ate was a partially puffed emmer—an ancient grain also known as farro. I’ll tell you what, I’d be puffed up to eat this bread any day!

partially puffed emmer

Nutritious slices of whole grain bread made with partially puffed emmer.


partially puffed durum wheat

A densely textured whole grain bread with partially puffed durum wheat.

Here’s what I ate on Days 69 and 70 of EB90:

Food Portion   Calories
Day 69
Bagel 1(100g) 210
Butter 2 Tbsp 200
Pizza 300g 900
French Toast with Whole Wheat Bread 4 slices (40g) 600
Berry Cream Cake 1 slice 150
Total 2060
Day 70
Raisin Bread 2 slice (40g) 180
Whole Grain Emmer Bread 3 Slices (60g) 210
Whole Grain Bread 4 Slices (50g) 440
Butter 2 Tbsp 200
Lemon Curd 2 Tbsp 120
Cherries 1C 74
Waffles 3 400
Steak with caramelized onions 100g 209
Asparagus 1 C 27
Pineapple 3 oz 41
Berry Cream Cake 1 slice 150
Strawberries 1C 50
Calcium Supp
Total 2101


Bread pudding

Being Sick is Rough: Days 65, 66, 67 and 68

One of the things I did not plan for on this journey is illness. I went for two outpatient procedures on day 65 and 67, and therefore, didn’t eat as much bread this week. The first procedure knocked me out the whole day, so there wasn’t time enough to consume a whole loaf. The second procedure involved a tooth, so eating and chewing bread was a tough one.

One of the solutions that came forth was bread pudding, so I used this recipe to make a soft and warm bourbon glazed bread pudding that was really was easy to consume – together with all those calorie laden ingredients in the recipe!

bread pudding Rotellas

A delicious warm and custardy bread pudding was made with Rotella’s bread, topped with a creamy bourbon glaze.

A delicious warm and custardy bread pudding was made with Rotella’s bread, topped with a creamy bourbon glaze

Being ill is what I’m disliking most about this journey. I can’t challenge myself if I’m not in tip top condition. In addition, exercising was thrown out the window because I was either in pain or too weak to walk. Yes, I was a little down and upset these last few days.

I even made chicken soup so that my entire family can drown together in my sorrows with me.  I thought it was my worst chicken soup from a bag mix, but the kids still lapped it up. It’s going to take a few more days before I can get out from under this cloud.

I am really thankful for Rotella’s bread that was sitting on my counter and nursing me out of this misery. No, I’m not tired of consuming bread. I’m sad that I cannot consume enough. I really think I’ve affirmed something at this point in my journey – that eating bread makes me happy.

Eating bread with exercise makes me extremely happy.

bread stack rotellas

My bread stack for a day’s worth of bread.

On day 68, I was able to get out of bed and started eating my day’s worth of bread again. Can’t help but say that it truly brought me back to my almost normal self again. So thank you Rotella’s Italian Bakery. I got back on track again because your bread was waiting for me.

Here’s what I ate on Days 65, 66, 67 and 68 of EB90:

Food Portion  Calories 
Day 65 (Sick)
White bread 2 Slices (38g) 140
Butter 1 Tbsp 100
Pizza 2 Slices 680
Golden Oreo 3 170
Ice Cream 70g 160
Total 1250
Day 66
White bread 2 slices (38g) 140
Cranberry whole grain 4 slices(45g) 420
Whole Grain bread 4 slices (38g) 320
Baguette 100g 255
Butter 2 Tbsp 200
Ricotta Cheese 1/4 C 100
Sugar Free Strawberry Jam 2 Tbsp 40
Beef stew with Carrots 115g 250
Cherries 1C 74
Coconut water 2 C 100
Calcium Supp
Total 1899
Day 67 (sick)
White bread 2 slices (38g) 140
Chicken Noodle Soup 3 C 360
Bread Pudding 4 Slices 750
Bagel 1(100g) 210
Baguette 100g 255
Butter 2 Tbsp 200
Day 68
Raisin Bread 2 slices 180
Bagel 1(100g) 210
Whole wheat bread 3 slices (45g) 285
Rotella’s Biscuit Bun with Ham and Cheese 90g 300
Rotella’s Brioche Bun 80g 270
Butter 2 Tbsp 200
Ricotta Cheese 1/4 C 100
Lemon Curd 2 Tbsp 120
Grilled Pork Ribs 2 244
Brussel Sprouts 1 C 82
Strawberries 1C 50
Calcium Supp
 Total 2041